Bless the Watchman explores the intersection of art, health and healing and spirituality. In 2020, I was diagnosed with the big "C", propelling me on a journey of self-discovery and a drive to incorporate in to my life one of my core passions; collecting and enjoying Baha'i-inspired art and supporting and promoting artists who take inspiration from the Baha'i Faith.

Once a month, I explore an original work, share my feelings and thoughts about the artwork and encourage others to seek out and learn more about the artist. The ultimate goal is increased support and patronage to these artists.

"The day will come when the Cause will spread like wildfire when its spirit and teachings will be presented on the stage or in art and literature as a whole. Art can better awaken such noble sentiments than cold rationalizing, especially among the mass of the people."- SE, Baha'i Writings''

Have a suggestion for art for me to purchase or review? Drop me a line. 

Also, should you wish to sell your work here do reach out and send me an email. I will photograph, market and ship your work at a modest commission.


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